Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree celebrating the Day of the Navy on July 30. The main parade will take place in St. Petersburg, while in Sevastopol, where the Russian Black Sea Fleet is based, the parade has been canceled for the second consecutive year.

Amidst War, Russians to Celebrate Navy Day with Parade and Salute

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree celebrating the Day of the Navy on July 30. The main parade will take place in St. Petersburg, while in Sevastopol, where the Russian Black Sea Fleet is based, the parade has been canceled for the second consecutive year

Even during wartime, the peaceful life of Russians continues. To celebrate the 327th anniversary of the formation of the Russian Navy, the St. Petersburg government will allocate over 35 million rubles (or $395.000), which is 8 million rubles more than in 2021 (or $89.000). The festivities will include a parade of ships, patriotic concerts, and a ninety-minute fireworks display.

The residents of Sevastopol will also have their celebrations despite the increased military attacks on Crimea. The city’s Patriot Park has planned an exhibition of military equipment, knife-throwing and shooting workshops, army hand-to-hand combat club performances, a bike show, and a concert.

On social media, the people of Sevastopol express disappointment over the parade cancellation. They argue that celebrating in the park is no safer than a maritime parade, so they fail to see the sense in such a substitution. Tourist agencies are also unhappy about the cancellation since the parade traditionally attracted many tourists to the city.

The Day of the Navy is popular among locals in Sevastopol due to the large number of families living there, with sailors and port workers among them. Thus, the Russian authorities are willing to risk the citizens’ lives to avoid disappointing them with the holiday cancellation.

Through these celebrations, the Russian government aims to create a psychological atmosphere of stability, military success, and the country’s imperial greatness for its citizens, giving the impression that the war is happening far away and does not concern ordinary people. The same goal is pursued by the Russian government’s promotion of vacations in Crimea, despite explosions on the Crimean Bridge and drone attacks on Crimean cities.

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